Tag Archives: Facebook

How to Hide Anything on Facebook

It seems we’ve been writing about Facebook for longer than Facebook has been around. Judging from the popularity of our “Hiding Likes on Facebook” posts, everyone has something to hide. In this post, which will be a long one, all we’re going to do is post screen captures of as many Facebook menus as we can find. In some photos you won’t see a menu but in the next one, we’ll show you where to find it.

Before we begin, there are two caveats here. First, while we’ll show you how to hide almost everything on Facebook, some of those things may pop up in other areas. Consider the fact that liking a page is different from showing that like later on in a series of your ‘likes’. Liking and showing likes are two different things. For this reason, we suggest that you don’t do something on Facebook that would cause you grief later on in your life or your career.

Secondly, there are two things that you cannot hide on Facebook. First, photos that you post cannot be completely hidden. You can selectively choose who can see the photo but you can’t completely hide it. Think about it. Facebook employees can see the photo, right? Even if the privacy settings for that photo are set to ‘Only Me’, someone at Facebook can see it.

Lastly, you cannot hide mutual friends from anyone. Yes, you can partially hide your friend list but you can’t hide the fact that you have a mutual friend with someone. If being friends with someone will cause problems in your life, especially if that person is a friend of a friend, you can’t hide it. We can see many situations where this would cause a problem so keep this in mind when you’re ‘friending’ someone.

TIP: Why did we say that you could partially hide your friend list? Read this post and you will see why. You can set your friend list’s privacy to ‘Only Me’ but that won’t prevent Facebook from suggesting every one of your friends to someone else. Here’s the link to the post: Stalking Friends on Facebook

Here we go with the screen caps:

Photo of HIde 1
Most things that you’ve done are shown on your Activity Log, available from your Timeline.


Photo of HIde 2
On the right side of almost all items shown, there is an edit icon which allows you to hide that activity from your Timeline.


TIP: Remember that you can’t hide comments that you make on something that you did not post. Keep that in mind. If you like a photo that someone else posted, you can’t hide it. Same thing for a comment on a photo. You can’t hide that either. All of those things are controlled by the privacy settings that the other person used. Make sure you understand this before you go randomly clicking ‘Like’ on photos or making comments on things posted by other people.

Photo of HIde 3
On your Timeline, you can find the edit icon up on the top right of most boxes.


Photo of HIde 4
You can check on story types that you have hidden. Seems we haven’t hidden any…yet.


Photo of HIde 5
Here, we’ve hidden three types of activity.


Photo of HIde 6
Click the arrow to open up all the boxes in your Favourites. Only then can you edit them.


Photo of HIde 7
You can swap positions or remove the box from your Favorites.



Photo of HIde 8
If the box menu isn’t open, you can’t edit any of the Favorite boxes. Click the arrow just to the right of the 4.



Photo of HIde 9
See? Now the Places or Maps box can be edited.


Photo of HIde 10
You can check what posts you’ve hidden by looking at your Activity Log and choosing the correct link on the left.


Photo of HIde 11
Here is the full list of activities that you can check by clicking More down near the bottom (shown as Less here).


Photo of HIde 12
Hide all of your game posts here. Click the Stop Publishing Activity. Please do this for your friends!



Photo of Hide 13
Hide all Friending activity here.


Photo of  Hide 14
Here’s where you can hide your friend list from everyone or from some people, Choose ‘Custom’ to select specific people or lists.


This has been a long post, we know that, but we think you’ll be able to find most of what you’re looking for here. If not, let us know! We love questions.

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Facebook. Just click Like and you’ll get our updates and tech tips as soon as we post them: Computers Made Simple on Facebook

Stalking Friends on Facebook – a privacy glitch is revealed.

Facebook has had many privacy glitches in the past. We’ve just discovered another one, a fairly significant privacy breach that allows a new user to stalk a friend’s friends. If you want to find out who is friends with one of your friends, even if their friend list is set to be seen by only the user, here’s what you have to do:

1. Sign out of Facebook first, of course, then open a new account. We just did this and found that if we tried to sign up using Firefox, we needed a phone number to register for Facebook. Using Explorer, we didn’t. While we don’t generally recommend using Explorer, it seems that it’s easier for this particular stealth operation.

2. Knowing that you are going to add one particular ‘friend’, try to use a name for your new profile that would seem attractive to that friend. Could be a sports star, could be a movie star, doesn’t matter. The key is to get that friend to accept you as a friend.

3. Once you have the profile set up and have confirmed the registration email, invite your friend to be friends with you. This plan gets confusing if you have more than one friend but it’s up to you how you handle it. You can always add a few friends then delete them but we’re not sure this works.

4. We all know that Facebook is all about adding people as friends, they even suggest names for you. If you are a new user, guess who they use as suggestions? Right, people from your one and only friend. Once your friend confirms you as a friend, Facebook immediately suggests that you add every single friend that this person has, even if their friend list is set to the ‘only me’ privacy lock. 

Sometimes Facebook lists the friend as a ‘mutual friend’ with the person you are already friends with, other times they simply show the friend as a suggestion. The cool or uncool thing is, every one of that group of suggestions is a friend of your real friend. You can see how this would get confusing if you add a few people at once. Right now it works perfectly.

Here’s how Facebook suggests friends:

Photo of Friend Suggestions `
To see the full list, click on See All.

In order to see the full list, click on ‘See All’ to bring up page after page of suggestions, depending on how many friends your single friend has. This is the full list:

Photo of Friend Suggestion List
Here they are, all of your friend’s friends.


There you have it. Another glitch in Facebook’s privacy settings, all ready to be used and abused by savvy Facebook users. We can’t believe that this simple trick works, but it does. Imagine how this Facebook exploit could be used? Next to facepiles, we see this as the second biggest threat to your privacy on Facebook. We’re outlining it here just in case Facebook hears about it and changes their policy. Who would dream that their locked down friend list could be wide open like this?

Thanks for reading! Comments and questions are welcome. Join us on Facebook by liking our page: https://www.facebook.com/ComputersMadeSimple?ref=hl

Check Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook recently changed the way that you can check who can see what you’re posted or been tagged in. Here’s a run-down of how you can quickly check your settings.

1. Start by clicking on the icon that looks like a padlock, up on the right of any Facebook page.


Photo of Facebook Activity Check  1
Click the padlock.


2. On the menu that pops down, click on ‘Who can see my stuff’.

Photo of Facebook Activity Check  2
Click on ‘Who can see my stuff?’


3. As the menu above spreads down a bit, click on ‘Use Activity Log’.

Photo of Facebook Activity Check  3
Click on ‘Use Activity Log’.


4. On the page that opens, everything that is possible to do on Facebook is on the left, everything that you can control is on the right.

Photo of Facebook Activity Check  4
Sort out your different activities from this single page.


5. The first time you access these areas, Facebook will walk you through the changes. Basically, this is a complete list of everything that you’ve done on Facebook since time began…well, since  you joined Facebook anyway. Depending on how busy you’ve been, the different pages may take a long time to load. Choose an activity on the left side, then look on the right side to see who can see it. You can even choose activities that are set to ‘only me’.

Photo of Facebook Activity Check  5
The default setting doesn’t include ‘Only Me’ activity but you can set it to include it.


6. On this page, you can hide activity from your own Timeline. Remember that any post’s privacy settings are controlled by the original poster’s settings. You control your own posts, of course, but if you are tagged by someone else, you have the option of removing that activity from your timeline or removing the tag completely.

Photo of Facebook Activity Check  6
You can hide posts that you’re been tagged in.


7. Once you get used to finding and using this page, we think you’ll appreciate its power. Each post, each activity has it’s own settings. You can hide things from your Timeline, limit the audience for things you post or share, all kinds of things. Don’t forget that you can set an audience for a post/comment/photo when you do it but you can always backtrack and change the settings here.


Play around with this page. If you find something cool, let us know. We think you’ll feel a bit better about controlling your own privacy now.

Thanks for reading!

Protect Facebook Photos from Bulk Downloaders

We’ve written about Fotobounce before, here and here . Fotobounce allows you to download full photo albums from  friends or pages that you like on Facebook. Yesterday, we got involved in a discussion about precisely this activity. Some of our artist or photographer friends objected to friends and/or complete strangers downloading their photos and using them on other social media sites. While we agreed that there is a case to be made here, we pointed out that simply putting something on Facebook is telling the world that it’s OK to copy/share/use etc. Anyway, that’s not the point today. In this post, we’ll teach you how to defeat Fotobounce from stealing your photos. (Stealing is a strong word but it kind of fits here.)

Deep inside Facebook’s privacy page, in an area that you probably wouldn’t get to on your own, there is a section that will allow you to prevent Fotobounce from downloading your photo albums. Here’s how to do it:

1. On the top right of any Facebook page, click on the down arrow like this:

Photo of Block Fotobounce  1
Click on Privacy Settings

2. Once you get to the Privacy Settings page, look for the section that says ‘Ads, Apps and Websites’. Click on ‘Edit Settings’.

Photo of Block Fotobounce  2
Click on Edit Settings


3. When the next page pops up, look for the section that says ‘How people bring your info to apps they use’.

Photo of Block Fotobounce  3
Click on Edit Settings


4. Finally, you’re at the page we want. This is how it probably looks the first time you see it:

Photo of Block Fotobounce  4
Most things are checked on this page. This isn’t good.

What you see here are the controls for what parts of your information Facebook apps can use. This is completely separate from what your friends can see or what strangers can see. We’ve already covered hiding things from your friends in many previous posts. Right now, we want to stop any Facebook apps from using your personal information including your photo albums. 

5. You’ll have to take our word for it but ignore the last line: “But, remember, you will not be able to use any games or apps yourself.” That line is total baloney. 

TIP: Despite what Facebook and games such as Farmville tell you, games and apps do not need access to anything other than your Basic Information. Check the photo below. Basic Information is not something that can be hidden anyway.  If you uncheck everything on that page, you will still be able to play games as usual. Please note that you can also limit what parts of your Basic Information that anyone can see. More on that in a future post. 

6. Here is how one of our accounts looks after we fixed our app settings:

Photo of Block Fotobounce  5
Nothing is checked and we can still play games. Looks like Facebook lied.


7. You see above that nothing is checked. Apps cannot see anything about this profile. Neither can websites or, supposedly, games. At least that’s what Facebook tells you. More on that in a future post. The good news is that Fotobounce will not be able to access your photos at all. Not only will they not be able to download them, your photos are not even visible in Fotobounce.

We advise you to take these steps immediately to protect your personal data from being spread across websites and Facebook apps and games. Once everything is unchecked, your own Facebook experience won’t change. You won’t notice any difference. Then again, you won’t be shocked when your face shows up on a website or game somewhere, either. That, we think, is worth the few minutes that this process takes.

Thanks for reading! Stay in touch on Facebook, too. Here’s the Computers Made Simple Facebook page link: https://www.facebook.com/ComputersMadeSimple?ref=hl

Save Facebook Albums – a new way to do it

PhotoLive is a new way to download photo albums from Facebook. We’ve used it a few times and it still has some bugs but we thought we’d share our experiences so far. We’ve written about FotoBounce before and it works quite well. PhotoLive, however, was able to retrieve some albums that FotoBounce could not. Here’s how you can use PhotoLive.

TIP: PhotoLive did not work for us when we tried it in Internet Explorer. It worked quite well in Google Chrome but not IE. Again, your mileage may vary.

First, make sure that your bookmarks bar is showing at the top of your browser window. Each browser is different so your settings may vary. We use Chrome and this is how it’s done with it:

Photo of Chrome menu
Top right, Bookmarks then ‘Show bookmark bar’.


Head to the PhotoLive Site, then drag the blue bar up to your bookmarks bar. (Click once on it and hold the mouse button down, then drag it up to the bar and release the button.) PhotoLive  doesn’t ask for permissions, unlike Fotobounce. It’s a browser add-on more than a Facebook app.

Photo of PhotoLive home page
Drag the blue box up to your bookmarks bar.


Now  your bar should have these words on it:

Photo of Chrome Bookmarks Bar
Look for the words ‘Download Photos’.

Just remember that none of this is going to work unless you are inside your Facebook account. Head over now and log in, if you aren’t already, then go to a photo album that you want to save to your computer. When you get there, click on the Download Photos button that we just put on your booksmarks bar. This is what you’ll see next:

Photo of PhotoLive menu
Click the green button to start the download.


Here is where you might run into a problem. PhotoLive can’t function inside of a secure browsing environment. What does that mean? It means that if you have turned on Secure Browsing in your Facebook Privacy settings, PhotoLive won’t work.

You should always have Secure Browsing turned on, however. In this one case, you can turn it off, download the album, then turn it back on again. The error page that comes up when you click Download Photos describes how to turn Secure Browsing off. (Head to your Account Settings, click on the Security badge on the top left side then uncheck the box to the left of ‘Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible’. Then click on ‘Save Changes’ and you’re done.)

Head back to the album you want, do the same steps as before to save the album and PhotoLive will show you this screen next:

Photo of PhotoLive download screen.
PhotoLive saves the albums in zip files.


The zip files will be saved to your normal download folder, usually Downloads. A zip file is a compressed folder. You can read how to unzip them here: How to Zip and Unzip Folders. Once you unzip the file, you can browse the images.

TIP: For some reason, PhotoLive does not download every photo in an album. We’re not sure why that is but you won’t get them all. An alternative to PhotoLive is Fotobounce, mentioned before, which will get every photo if it can get any at all. If you use a combination of both programs, you’ll probably be able to save almost any album that you come across on Facebook.

Now that you’re finished downloading the album, head back to your Facebook Security settings and turn Secure Browsing back on again.

Hopefully, this how-to is crystal clear but if it’s not, let us know. Questions, comments are always welcome.

Thanks for reading! While you’re on Facebook, why not like our page:  https://www.facebook.com/ComputersMadeSimple?ref=hl