Category Archives: Hootsuite

Schedule a Tweet in Hootsuite

One thing you can’t do on the main Twitter page is schedule a Tweet for a later date. If you’re going to be away for the weekend or head out on a holiday and you still want to maintain your Twitter presence, make sure you get Hootsuite in order to schedule Tweets for when you’re away. You can also schedule Tweets to be sent when you’re asleep, too. Here’s how to do it:

1. Look up at the top for the icon that looks like a calendar. Click it.

Photo of how to Schedule a Tweet 1
Look on the top for the calendar icon.

2. There are about seven things to do in this menu.

Photo of how to Schedule a Tweet  2
This is the menu that pops up. Everything you need is here.

3. Type your Tweet in the space provided, where we have typed ‘The tweet goes up here’.

Photo of how to Schedule a Tweet  3
Type your Tweet in the window as we have done.


4. Check the ‘Email me when the message is sent’, click on the month and date and, lastly, the time you want it sent. They say that the best times are between 3 and 5 PM Eastern time if you want to hit the big eastern North America market but this is only important if you’re trying to build up a business presence on Twitter.

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Date, email confirmation, etc. It’s all here.


5. Finally, make sure you check that all the circled areas are filled out. If you want to insert a link, Hootsuite will shorten it up for you, just insert it in the box provided. Make sure you choose which account you want to send the Tweet from as well as which month and which date then decide on AM or PM, according to where you are in the world. Here’s a reminder of which things to fill out:

Photo of how to Schedule a Tweet  5
Circled areas are important to make decisions about.


6. Once you’ve completed your entry, click on the Schedule button to actually schedule the Tweet. You will want to create a new stream of scheduled Tweets in one of your tabs for the particular account you’re Tweeting from. Once you do that, you can see your scheduled Tweets and edit them, if necessary.

Thanks for reading!

Hide Tweets in Hootsuite

We’ve been using Slipstream, available here: Slipstream , to hide some user’s tweets on the main Twitter site. Now that we’ve switched to Hootsuite, we had to figure out a way to hide some of the endless tweeters that we follow. Yes, we could simply ‘unfollow’ those people but most of them are average users who took the effort to follow us. We don’t feel right about unfollowing them but we don’t want to read all of their tweets, either. Here’s how we did it.

1. Obviously you have to have a Twitter account and be using Hootsuite, right? In this example, you should probably have made some lists in Twitter. Here’s how to make a list in Twitter: Lists in Twitter .

2. If you don’t follow many accounts on Twitter, make one list for everyone but the person(s) you want to hide. Name that list ‘regulars’ or something similar. On Hootsuite, these accounts will still show up on your Home stream but we’ll show you how to add your other streams to the main panel.

3. Your main Hootsuite window looks like this before you add any streams:

Photo of Hootsuite main panel
No tabs? You won’t see anything here until you add a social account and a stream.


4. When you want to actually see something in the panel, click the sign up at the top, choose your social network and then add a stream. Hootsuite has some default streams as you can see here:

Photo of Hootsuite default streams.
There are the default Twitter streams. ‘Home’ is every tweet from everyone you follow.


5. If you have some lists set up, choose the fourth tab from the left. Choose the ‘Regular’ list that you created in Twitter and click ‘Create Stream’. Here are some lists on one of our accounts:

Photo of Hootsuite lists.
You will see your lists on the lists tab.


6. Once you add some streams, this is what your Hootsuite main panel will look like:

Photo of populated Hootsuite main panel.
Streams are on tabs. A tab is just a set of streams.


7. A tab is a full panel on Hootsuite. It can be made up of several streams from one social network account or streams from different social network accounts. In the photo above, we’ve added streams from two different Twitter accounts.

Hootsuite offers you a full range of options, all for free. We’ve just scratched the surface here. Give it a shot. Let us know what you think.

Thanks for reading!