Category Archives: Internet

Five Must-Have Pieces of Free Software

Everyone loves free stuff, right? I’m writing this post just after Christmas and free software is about the only thing that I can afford! I’ve mentioned all of this software in other posts. In this one I will simply highlight the best of the best of the best.

1. VLC Media Player VLC is amazing, really. Not only is it the fastest player out there, it’s a wizard when it comes to repairing video files. If you’ve got an AVI that is somewhat corrupted, VLC will repair it. Save the repaired version and you’re done. As far as playback is concerned, VLC lets you slow down the action or speed it up with a simple keystroke for each. I don’t use VLC for music playback but it does that, too.

2. Irfanview – Once you have tried Irfanview, I defy you to live without in the future. I’ve been using it for years, putting it on every computer in the house. Irfanview is quick, efficient and offers a feature list that boggles the mind. Screen capture, batch processing…it’s got it all. Make sure you download the plugins and make sure you download it from Tucows. CNET is reportedly putting malware in its downloads.

3. Google Chrome – Why is a browser on this list? Aren’t they all free? Sure, they’re all free but other browsers pale in comparison to Chrome. I can safely say that Chrome has opened up a whole new world for me, simply because it translates every website that I visit. The Internet is more than the boring English sites that you’re used to surfing. Check out what people around the world are doing on the web, visit and investigate your next international vacation spot, or just see what cool things are for sale in, say, China or Japan.

TIP: One of the best things about the Internet is that most sites are designed in English, even if they use another language for navigation. If you’re stuck on a site and can’t figure out what some of the buttons do, simply hover your cursor over a link and look down to the left of your window. Nine times out of ten you’ll find out what the button leads to, written in plain English.

4. Dropbox – Dropbox is both software and a service. With 1 gigabyte of free storage, Dropbox allows you to share documents from one computer to another around the world. Even if you are on someone’s computer in India, you can access your files via the Internet. There is no need to have the Dropbox application installed. Additionally, you can share files of any type with friends and relatives by giving them guest access to your online folder. Need more than a gig of storage? Open up a few free accounts. You can’t go wrong.

5. Burnaware Free – Burnware is a free, fast and dog-simple burning app. DVDs/CDs/ISOs, Burnaware takes care of it all. Roxio makes a fine product from what I hear but I have only used Burnaware for the past ten years or so. In my opinion, you don’t need any more than this for your daily burning chores. I back-up my computer religiously and you should too. DVDs are cheap and losing lifetime photo memories is expensive. Don’t let a crashed hard drive ruin your life. Get Burnaware and some DVDs for 20 bucks and relax. Your kids will thank you!

All of these applications have full sets of options and features that will make your computer experience much more fulfilling than any piece of retail software would. For that reason, if you’re a bit flush with cash, consider making a donation to the creators. Good karma will follow.

Thanks for reading!



Secure WordPress Login

Since the default WordPress username is ‘admin’, did you ever think that maybe it’s time to change it to something a bit more secure? Any hacker worth her or his salt can probably gain access to your WordPress installation quite easily. The only thing they need is a password generator of some type if you have left the default WordPress username as admin.

Besides changing the default setting, you should also do something else. If you are a single owner/poster, you should change your posting name to something other than your username. If you want to post as “Jane”, for instance, you can login in as kentucky or anything else that suits you. Why should you do this? It seems obvious but in case you missed it, if you post as “Jane” and your username for logging in is “jane”, maybe a hacker could easily guess your username. Simple, right?

Head over to ‘Users’ on the left side of your WordPress Dashboard. For the default installation, there will only be one Username, by default it is ‘admin’. Here’s what the default setting looks like:

Admin user settings
Admin is the default user. No 'Role' is listed as there is only one user.

The default username can’t be changed but what you want to do is to add another user then switch the Role of Admin to ‘no role’. In other words you can’t get rid of the admin user but you can take the administrative power away from them in order to secure your WordPress site. You’ll notice from the photo above that there is no place to choose the Role of this user.

Update: I forgot to mention that you can’t change the default username’s role  until you set up a new user as admin, log out and logo back in again. Set up new user, make that user admin, log out then log in again and change the default admin’s role to ‘no role’.

Tip: You can’t change the role of the current administrator until you have another administrator lined up. Create another user, use whatever name and nickname you want, then make the Role of that new user ‘Administrator’. Once you do that, go back to the original admin user and define its Role as ‘None’. This screen shows you what to look for:

New User Menu for WordPress
This is where you can choose the Role for the new user.

In this window, make note of two things. First, the Role menu is visible since you are adding a new user. Any new user must have a role, even if it is no role at all. Next, make sure the username and the display name are totally different. The Username is the name you use to login to the site. The Display name is the name that shows on each of your posts. Make sure they are different. Anyone can try to login with your display name and guess your password but if your username is different, your site is more secure.

TIP: Whatever your role is on any WordPress site, make sure that your username for logging in isn’t the same as your posting name. If you’re an administrator, make sure of this small but very important detail for every user of your WordPress installation.

Once you have a second administrator set up, go back and remove the administrator role from the default admin username. Once you do that, your WordPress site is a lot more secure than it used to be.

Thanks for reading!

Hotmail or Gmail?

Hotmail has been around since 1997, at least in its present form with Microsoft. Somehow, it doesn’t have the same cachet as Gmail, even though it’s been around for a lot longer, 2004 compared to 1997. Many of my contacts use Gmail for business, pretty much shunning Hotmail for reasons that I don’t quite understand…other than the sense that Gmail is sounds better. Here’s why I stick to Hotmail.

1. Easier Access – Over the years I’ve gotten used to using MSN chat. Sure, Gmail has Gmail chat but most of my friends around the globe use MSN and/or Skype (or QQ). Since I have my MSN chat open when I’m online, I get instant updates when I get an email from a contact. Additionally, I can access up to five of my Hotmail accounts from one account using the link feature. One sign-in lets me access my business account, my anonymous account (the one I use when I’m signing up for some sketchy-sounding freebie on the ‘net) as well as accounts that are linked to different websites that I own.

2. Sharing – I used to share music on Gmail using the Gmail Drive feature, mentioned here. Gmail gives you over 7 gigabytes of storage. Cool huh? Hotmail gives you 5 gigs of storage in your actual Hotmail account but they also give you 25 gigabytes in your Skydrive section. Cooler, huh? With my 25 gigs of storage, I can share music, videos, epubs, etc. In Gmail I would have to share a password with a trusted friend. In Hotmail all I have to do is send an email to share a folder. I can even allow someone to edit the files if I want. Personally, I find the Skydrive setup much simpler and easier to use than the substantially smaller Gmail storage.

3. The Cachet – If the name Hotmail doesn’t turn your crank, you could choose the ‘’ option when signing up for an account there. Unfortunately you can’t switch your Hotmail to a live account. I think the biggest mistake that Microsoft made was choosing the Hotmail name but that’s done, can’t change it now. At that time, everything was new and fresh and, yes, hot on the brand new Internet. Things that you take for granted now weren’t even thought of then. When you actually think about it, the name Hotmail is no different from Gmail except that each is associated with what some consider the black and white of the computer world. While most of us use Windows, do we actually trust Microsoft? Somehow, Google is considered the white knight of the Internet, despite being just as monopolistic as Microsoft.

4. Spam Blocking – I’ve written here before about using the excellent spam blockers in Hotmail. Personally, I don’t see much of a difference between the Hotmail or Gmail spam settings. I get spam in each, lots of it. Blocking spam in Hotmail is much easier. Select the messages in the junk folder, choose Block at the top and poof, they’re blocked. You can block a whole domain or a single account just as easily. With Gmail you have to set up a filter. Finicky, in my opinion, and time consuming. Give me ‘click and block’ any time.

5. Finding an Email – Both Hotmail and Gmail have superb search features. It’s a tie there. However Hotmail allows you to arrange your emails in five different ways. If you click the ‘Select’ button over the email date, you can arrange your whole inbox by date, by who the emails are from, by the subject, by size or by conversation. I use this feature all the time. If I can’t remember any key word in an email, I can find what I’m looking for by arranging the emails in another way. It sounds strange but it happens. Order something online from Amazon but you can’t remember the title of the book? See all of the Amazon emails instantly by choosing ‘from’. You can then find the email quickly if you have a vague idea of the date of the order. If not, you can go through them one by one. I can’t do that in Gmail. (If I’m missing this, please let me know.)

6. One Gmail Plus – I’m sure there are perfectly good reasons to choose Gmail over Hotmail, other than the name, but I can think of only one. Choosing a series of messages in Gmail is much easier, choose one then hold down the shift key while choosing another one down the line. All messages in between will be chosen. That’s it!

What Do You Think? If I’ve missed something, let me know. Both Gmail and Hotmail are secure. I really prefer having my email left on the server instead of having it come into my home computer before I read it. I’m always online anyway so what’s the point of downloading all of my messages to work offline? If there is something on my site server or my ISP’s server, as soon as I open Outlook or Thunderbird, that bit of virus or malware gets sucked into my computer. Give me web-based mail any day. If you change ISPs, you have to go through the change of address motions which might or might not get to all of your clients or email contacts. I’ve had Hotmail since 1998, same account, and I’ve never lost an email.

Thanks for reading! Comments are very welcome.

Facebook – How to be a Facebook Maven

Facebook privacy settings change almost as often as the weather these days. As Facebook tries to become more ‘Twitter-ish’, your privacy often gets lost in translation. Gone are the days of a simple public and private profile. These days you can think you are private but you’re often very, very public. Here’s how to deal with Facebook and its rapidly deteriorating concern for your privacy.

The first simple step is to set up at least one other Facebook profile. I have four, in case you’re wondering. Three are legitimate, more or less, while the fourth is just for fun. What is the use of having more than one Facebook profile? Well, depending on whether you are friends with yourself or not, you can try different privacy settings to see what’s private, what friends of friends can see and, most importantly, what’s open to the public.

By keeping at least one profile unfriended by all of the other profiles, you’ll be able to see the effect of the changes you make. If one of your friends (really yourself) is a friend of one of your other profiles, you can check on what Facebook keeps private and what it spreads around to friends of friends.

With this simple trick, you’ll be able to become a privacy maven (expert) on Facebook. The side benefit of this is that you’ll have lots more friends to play games with and share extra servings of whatever you’re cooking!

Over the next few days I’ll be writing more about Facebook and how to tune the privacy settings to match your personality. If you’ve got something to hide, this is where to read about how to keep it hidden.

Thanks for reading!