Custom Facebook Privacy Settings – Part 1

If you want to post something on Facebook but you don’t want all of your friends to see it, here’s what you have to do.

1. First, you need a list. Facebook allows you to create lists of your friends very easily. You can use these lists for privacy, which is what we’ll do here, or to sort out your newsfeed/friend updates. If you only want to see updates from a certain group of people, you have to make a list first.

2. Go to your own timeline, click on the box that says ‘Friends’ to bring up a list of all of your friends.

3. On your list of friends, this is a typical pop-out when you hover your cursor over a name.

Photo showing how to Create a List 1
Pick a friend who you want to add to a list.

4. See the word ‘Friends’ in the photo above? Hover over that until you see this menu:

Photo of how to Create a List 2
Hover on the word Friends to bring up this menu. Look for ‘Show all lists’


5. When you hover your cursor over ‘Show all lists’, the following menu will show up. This will allow you to create a new list for this friend. If you already have some lists, simply click on the list and that friend will be added to whatever list you choose.

Photo of how to Create a List 3
Down at the bottom, you’ll see ‘+ new list’. Click that.


6. When you click ‘+ New list’, you’ll see a small rectangle which will allow you to name the new list.

Photo of how to Create a List 4
Name your list and your friend is automatically on that list.


7. Now you have one list. Add friends to it by hovering your cursor over their name and clicking any list that you want them to be on. Makes sense, right?


OK, now you have one or more lists. Once you sort your friends into these lists, you can then move on to post things that only they will see. That’s in part two of this instructional. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Custom Facebook Privacy Settings – Part 1”

  1. Is there any way I can stop my sister in laws games and apps (and other peoples) from showing up on my news feed without blocking their status posts?

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