The Ultimate Facebook Privacy Post – at least as far as tagging is concerned.

I’d have to do a chart or table to show all the different settings that you could use to hide your ‘stuff’ on Facebook but here are a few short tips that will help.

If you don’t want ANYONE to see what you post, like maybe you’re waiting for some big moment to pop it on someone, make sure your sharing is set to ‘only me’. Whatever you do, don’t tag anyone, even if the item is shared with only you.  Because:

Even if an item is shared with only one other person and you tag it, any of your friend’s friends can see the item and comment on it plus they can tag it and share it. Remember, even if the item is shared ONLY WITH ONE OTHER PERSON. The tagged person cannot remove the tag, only the original poster. 

OK, caps lock is off and bold is gone. The key to all of this, as I’ve said before, is not sharing, it’s tagging. Tagging opens up your tagged items to everyone.

Here is a tip that will help  you keep stuff private. Two tips, actually.

1. Don’t tag anyone on anything. Send a private message to someone if you have something that is vital to share. Or:

2. Post the item by itself (a photo works best for ths) and tag that one single item. No one else will be able to see your other items, just that one thing.


HOLD THE PRESSES : Facebook, just this moment, seems to have fixed the loophole. I’m going to end this now (and go for a swim) but I’ll leave this up until I can confirm that the sharing loophole has been sealed. I spent a few hours sorting all of this out, while doing a few other things too, and I don’t want to waste this beautiful writing! Hahahaha.

Thanks for reading.

Follow me on Twitter: @_BrianMahoney