Tag Archives: Youku downloader

Youku Downloader – Part Two

Now that we’ve got the Youku app installed (read the post here: Youku Downloader ), let’s see how it works. From the main window, look for the search box up on the top right side.

Photo of Youku search menu
We’ve typed ‘adele’ into the search slot.


Type in your search term, in this case we used ‘adele’ , then click the icon of the magnifying glass. In a moment, you’ll see the results of this search.

Photo of Youku Search Result
The results show many Adele videos, just the same as Youtube. except the titles are mostly in Chinese. 


The cool things about the player come out next. Click on any video that looks interesting. In another window on the same player, the video will start. Unlike using Youtube in your browser, the search window is still there and can be accessed with the click of your mouse. Additionally, you can download the current video with another click of your mouse. Here’s what to look for.


Photo of Youku buttons
The left button brings up the search page, the right one brings up the current video window.


If the video you are viewing isn’t the one that you want, clicking the button with the red film icon on it will bring up the search window again with all of the same videos still there. Click the button with the blue arrow on it to get back to the video window. How do you save a video to your hard drive? Go to the video window, then look for this character on the lower left of the menu.

Photo of Youku download button.
This is fairly obvious, right? Click this button to bring up the download menu.


Once you click this button, the following menu pops up:


Photo of Youku Download Menu
Click the big blue button and the download will start.


In the photo above, you can see that the download folder is in the Documents folder for the current user. This will help you find the videos should you wish to archive them at a later date. Quite honestly, we don’t know what all of the words mean but we’re not too concerned about it. The videos are downloaded, that’s all we care about. Once you click the blue button, you can confirm that the video is being downloaded when you see this:

Photo of Youku Downloading Confirmation
The red 1 means that one video is being downloaded.


Another great thing about the Youku app is that you can download more than one video at a time. Simply head back to the search results and click on another video and repeat the process. We’ve had four videos downloading at the same time. There is probably a limit to the number of simultaneous downloads but we haven’t found it yet.

The videos that are downloaded may be in different formats. We’ve see the normal .flv files, which will play in any media player, but we’ve also seen proprietary formats that will only play in the Youku player. We’re working on the problem now, trying to determine if the proprietary format can be changed to another, more popular, format. We’ll update this when we find the answer.

Have fun downloading! If you need help, let us know. Comments and questions are always welcome.

Thanks for reading!



Youku Downloader

Youku is the Chinese version of Youtube. As you probably know, the people of China are behind a firewall and cannot access Youtube, Facebook or Google, nor thousands of other sites. Because of this, China’s government allows companies to copy popular Western sites and offer them to the public instead. Youku is pretty much the same as Youtube but offers a different selection of videos. If you want to experience what life in China is like, you can download the mobile Youku app for your PC. Once you have the software installed, it is much easier and faster to access Youku than through your browser plus you can download any video with it. Unlike Youtube, Youku splits the larger videos up into various pieces, making them nearly impossible to download without the Youku player. Here’s how to get and install the Youku player.

1. This is a direct link to the site where you can download the software. Youku Mobile App   Don’t be put off by the word ‘mobile’.  As with Miro  , this is a standalone application for any modern Windows computer. The link is to the PC software but there are apps for Macs and mobile phones, too.

2. The app itself is :

Photo of Youku Downloader 1
Make sure you have the correct file before you download it.


3. Double click the file to install it. Windows will ask if you want to let this software change your computer. Click OK and proceed. The menus are all in Chinese so we’ll guide you through the process.

4. This is the first menu that you’ll see:

Photo of Youku Downloader 2
Click the prompt with the N on it.


5. Next comes the agreement that you have to accept:

Photo of Youku Downloader 3
Click the indicated prompt, the one with I on it.


6. Next, make sure you uncheck the next box. This is how it looks by default:

Photo of Youku Downloader 6
Uncheck these boxes.


7. This is how the final box should look:


Photo of Youku Downloader 7
Make the menu look like this and then click the prompt shown, the F one.

That’s it! We’ll run through the process of using the app in our next post. When you first run it, you will see a series of how-to screens. If you can read Chinese, fine. If you can’t, just wait for our next post. We don’t want to make these too long.

Thanks for reading!