WeChat – Tips and Tricks and New Features Part 2

Day two of WeChat tips and tricks. We’re using Version 5 for the iOS (Apple) so our photos might differ from yours but the basics should be the same.

How to block someone on WeChat

1. Go to your contact list and press on the profile of the person you want to block.

2. Look for the three dots up on the top right:

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You can block from your contact list or from People Nearby. See the three dots?

2. After you press the dots, this will come up. Choose Block.

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Choose block and then confirm it. That contact can’t see you now at all.


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See? They can’t send you a message and they won’t see your Moments. Cool huh?


Social is now named ‘Discover’. Look Around is now ‘People Nearby’. We kind of liked Look Around, it sounded cooler. 

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Social is now Discover, Look Around is now ‘People Nearby’.


Sticker Shop is available from your profile page. 

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Sticker Shop. Don’t expect too much.
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Maybe these names lost something when they were translated. We think we could do a better job.
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Are these worth spending money on? Really?

Sticker pricing isn’t bad but we can’t imagine anyone using these.

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Under a buck but underwhelming too.


That’s it for today. We don’t want to make these posts too long. You’re busy, it’s summer, we have a new Galaxy Tab 2 to test so we’re off to do that. Comments, questions, observations are all welcome.

Thanks for reading! Keep up with all of our posts by Liking us on Facebook. Here’s the link: Computers Made Simple on Facebook






369 thoughts on “WeChat – Tips and Tricks and New Features Part 2”

  1. I’m adding my friend with phone ID. Will him know that I have added him if the friend confirmation is turned-off?

  2. Hi. I wanna ask. What is the meaning if you can still send a message on a wechat friend but you cannot see the wechat friend’s pictures on the wechat friend’s album?

    1. Either they are not posting anything to Moments or they have blocked you from seeing their Moments. We suspect the latter. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  3. I just added a friend and didn’t request for confirmation, she became part of my friends list but I don’t understand how this works cause didn’t even send a friend’s request. How can I do the same thing for other people??

    1. You have friend confirmation turned off. Check your privacy settings. Thanks for commenting.

      1. If wechat friends hides their moments from you, will the red dot still appear on the discover option when they post moments but can’t view them? Thanks

  4. I am blocked by we chat team because of sending greetings..how can b I self unblocked from we chat…restricted..plzz tell me..I m trying but its shows Chinese language so I can’t handle it..I want to get rid of that.plz help me

    1. Our versions are all in English. It might be easier just to open a new account. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  5. Hey..my friend post some photos of embarassing moment..i kinda dont wanna see it nor everyone could see it..is there anyway to remove those photo? since my friend are not using that account anymore,so he’s had no control on it.

    1. Time to get a new friend, we think. Since he posted the photos, only he can remove them. There’s nothing you can do, sorry. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

      1. okay this is the case ..i have deleted a contact from my list however i want to know whether this person has blocked me or just hid his moments because i couldn’t view his moments anymore..and another question would be when i block someone can he or she view my profile pic..i mean is it visible to them?

        1. There is no way to know if he has blocked you or just hidden his moments. If you block someone, it’s as if you don’t exist on WeChat. Nothing you do can be seen by a blocked user. Thanks for commenting.

  6. Hi;

    I would like to be on WeChat but I don’t want any of my phone contacts to be able to see my profile. I have turned off “Find Me by Phone No.”

    Does this keep me anonymous from other Wechat users in my phonebook?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Once you turn ‘Find me by phone number’ off, no one who has your number can link you to WeChat. We wish everyone would do that, as a matter of fact. Some people might find this handy but we think it’s an invasion of privacy. Yes, that would keep you anonymous. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  7. This friend of mine, suddenly I can only see 10 of her moments. What does this entail? Did she block me?

    1. No, not blocked. She unfriended you, basically took you off her friend list. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  8. Wanna ask,the person I wanna see,she blocked me and it changes to wechat user and after a few month I go to my moment history list and go click on the wechat user picture and it pops back of her wechat account.I also can see her moments on her profile.
    But after a few month,I go check again and I just see a line in her moments. Does it means she blocked me again?!

    1. Either she has blocked you again or she has hidden her Moments from you or she has not posted in Moments for some time. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

    1. Sure. That information is on their device. Even if you block someone, your messages are still available to anyone you sent a message to. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  9. Hai. Why did my friend show deactivated under their id wechat? Id wechat still exist. But there is no moment n there is deactivated write under wecht id?

    1. We cannot understand why it would show deactivated at all. Sorry. We didn’t know that you could deactivate your WeChat account or, if you did, that it would show as deactivated. Thanks for commenting.

  10. I used to able to see some wechat groups by individual group names, but recently a few of the group names dissappeared and show up as “wechat User” only, is there a way to get them back? I tried to change the group name from setting and were disallowed because I wasn’t the group leader.

    It’s really confusing now since I have a bunch of user groups now all had the same “wechat user” by name 🙁

    1. Sorry, we don’t know much about groups or how they work. If you know the moderator of any of the groups, contact them and ask what happened. Thanks for commenting.

    2. i have the same problem with u too~~ i tried to “delete and exit group” , but the problem still the same when my friend added me back to the group again. =(

  11. I have blocked a person and he added me to his contact again with another ID. There is a option in setting “find me by ID or phone number” I have switched that off. Still how can he find me?

    1. If you live in the same area, perhaps he is finding you through the People Nearby feature. Other than that, unless you use QQ, there is no way that we know of that he can find you. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

      1. Was this to us or to Opogno? Anyway, we can turn it on here. Try changing some of your other privacy settings to see if one of them is preventing you from turning friend confirmation on. Hope that helps. Thanks for commenting.

  12. Hi, what does it means when the person’s moment didn’t appear on my moment, but i still can see his/her’s moment when I clicked into their wechat profile? I can see what he/she post when I went into its profile, but I was unable to like or comment to it, what does it mean?

    1. We’re fairly sure it means that this person has deleted you from their contact list. They haven’t blocked you but you’re not friends with them anymore. What you are seeing is their public Moments which anyone can see if they know that person’s WeChat ID and search for it. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  13. I can’t see her moments but her contact appeared on my contact list. Is that mean she blocked me on wechat?

    1. No. If she blocked you, you wouldn’t see her at all. How can you see her Moments? By pressing on her photo in your old chats? If she isn’t on your contact list, it would be difficult to find her Moments unless you do a search. Can you comment on her Moments? You have to be a bit of a detective to figure these things out, right? Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  14. Last night I was talking to one of my friend on we chat…now in the morning when I send them a message it shows “the message is successfully sent but rejected by the receiver”.. Has the person blocked me?

    1. No blocked, probably just deleted. That person had adjusted their message privacy settings. That would be our guess. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  15. Hi, I cannot see my ex’s wechat moments and its seems like she either blocked me or put me under don’t share moments.

    Question 1:
    How do I know which one she does (block or put me on do not share moments) as I can still see her posts on our mutual friends’ moments.

    Question 2:
    I’ve also post on our mutual friend’s moments, can she see my posts although she has blocked me?

    I didn’t block her on my side if this does help to explain the situation

    1. 1. If you can see her anywhere on WeChat, she has not blocked you. She might have deleted you but she hasn’t blocked you. 2. If she has only blocked her Moments from you, she can see your posts. Good luck. Thanks for commenting.

    1. We’re not very familiar with group chats, to be honest. Tap on the member you want to ignore/block then look for those three lines up at the top right. See if there is a way to shut them up. We suspect there is but we can’t verify it. Good luck. Hey, if you discover how to do it, comment again so we can share it with everyone else. If someone reads this and knows how to do it, let us know too. Thanks again for commenting.

  16. I was having video call with my boy friend last night… Then suddenly after I diconnect the call… I send him a few messages. After that I couldn’t call him nor message him. It’s showing that the person have blocked me. I think he had blocked me by mistake. I don’t have his contact number. I only have his wechat ID. And how to inform him that he had blocked me by mistake. What should I do now?

    1. The only thing you could do is open another account, add him to it and send a message that way. You can’t contact him through your old account so making a new one is the only way around this. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

      1. i have tried using his wechat id… but its written user does not exist… what should i do now?
        i only have his wechat id…

        1. There is nothing you can do, right? Chalk it up to experience, that’s about it. Sorry. Better luck next time.

  17. Hi, how to know if the person ur calling in wechat didnt uninstall it on their phone. Bcoz ive tried calling one person and sending message to him but im not sure if he can see it. Thanks

    1. Maybe they lost their phone or it is damaged. Unless you have another way to contact that person, you’re out of luck. Call from another number. Maybe this person is avoiding you for some reason. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  18. Hey , i have sent friend request to a friend but she didn’t accept now i want to cancel my request just like we can do on Facebook but i can’t find any option , can you guide me ? I am still in her recommended friend list with a friend request …

    1. There is no option that we know of that will allow you to cancel a friend request. If someone else knows, please post here. Thanks for commenting.

  19. Hi. I can see the wechat account of my friend in my contacts. I tried to send her a message and it says “The message is succesfully sent but rejected by the receiver” What does it mean? Am I blocked?

      1. One more thing, I had a conversation with that friend a year ago. I favorited one of the picture he sent to me. When I browse my favorites, I can still view the picture and his wechat name, above that it says “deactivated”. Does his account was really deactivated?

        1. Seems like it. Try sending this person a message. See what happens. Alternatively, search for the username. That way, they will never know you were looking for them. If the username doesn’t pop up, you will know for sure what happened. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  20. Hi! I am confused, there’s a guy who sent me a friend request, and I added him. We did a video call and it went well. But now, when I am trying to do a video or voice chat with him, I get an error saying “User hasn’t added you to the Contacts. You can’t start a voice call.” But I am still able to send him a message and see him on my friends list. Does this mean, he has deleted me in his friends list?

  21. My boyfriend calls but he can’t see me on video neither can he hear me but I can see and hear him properly what could be the problem?

    1. It could have something to do with his phone. Video and audio use a certain amount of memory plus some storage temporarily. Either his phone is out of storage space or it doesn’t have enough memory (RAM). The problem is in his hardware, it’s not a WeChat problem. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  22. Hi,
    I have an apple watch and I read a chat of a person on we chat. I clicked on the persons picture and it started to vibrate. Does that mean that the person was indicated that I was looking for them.

    Is there any feature on wechat were your phone can notify that person that you were looking for them?

    1. No, there are no features like that. We don’t know what the vibration was. If you figure it out, let us know. Thanks for commenting.

    1. You can’t. If you don’t want to send a message, there is no way of knowing. Sorry. Thanks for commenting.

    1. Hold your finger on the picture for a second or two. A menu will come up with ‘Delete’ in it. Click on Delete and it’s gone. Thanks for commenting.

    1. You will know if your friend has blocked you because that friend will be totally invisible to you. If you can see their information, let’s say their Moments, you will know that they haven’t blocked you. As far as deleting you, try to send a message. You could also check their Moments. If you can see more than ten of their Moments then they have not deleted you. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  23. I have an ipod 4th gen with old wechat app that have a tab to backup chat history and restore. I just got the newest version downloaded on my android phone and it doesn’t have the backup chat history tab and restore tab. The version just have chat log migration which ask for scan QR code which I don’t have. How do I restore chat history to cell phone?

    1. You can download the bar code scanner, it’s not standard with the phone. If the phone has a camera, it can scan a barcode. Good luck. Thanks for commenting.

    1. They have your chat history and photos, yes. They cannot contact you or see anything you do. If they saved your contact information, they would still have it, of course. Thanks for commenting.

    1. If you send them a message, you will know if you have been unfriended when you get a WeChat notice about ‘friend confirmation’, something like that. If you can still see the person’s information then you are not blocked. Try sending a message, see what happens. Good luck! Thanks for commenting.

    1. No, it’s not. If you unfriend a person, they can still send you a message or see your Moments, if your Moments are public. If they send you a message, you may or may not receive it, depending on your privacy settings. Blocking a person means that you no longer exist on WeChat, as least as far as they are concerned. They can’t see you or contact you or see your Moments. Conversely, you cannot see them either. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

      1. Thanks for the help. I also would like to know if I can tell if a person unfriend me or block me. For example if I send a message would I get a message back saying I have been unfriended or saying I am blocked

        1. You cannot tell is a person has unfriended you unless you send them a message. If you do, you may receive a notice from WeChat about ‘add friend’ or ‘user requests confirmation’, something like that. If you are blocked by someone, you cannot see any details of that person’s profile, nothing at all. It’s as if they don’t exist. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  24. why do I sometimes get a red dot on the ‘me’ icon in wechat when I log in – what does this indicate ?

    1. It means that there are new stickers available, most often free ones you can download and use in your chats. Just go to Me then Stickers, scan them quickly or just back out and the red dot will go away. Thanks for commenting!

    1. Whose alias? Yours or your friends? You can change your alias anytime in Me then Settings. For a friend, go to your contact list then to that friend’s profile. Press on the three dots up on the top right and choose ‘Set remarks and tags’. Tap on the alias and then change it to whatever you want. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

      1. My contacts were just searched and a creepy guy showed up in wechat with the “alias” name and current phone number of my nine year old niece. How did that happen?

        1. We’d guess that your niece’s phone was compromised somehow. We don’t know how your contacts were searched though. How did you discover that? As far as we know your contacts in WeChat are private. There are apps that can access your mobile contacts, however. Facebook is notorious for that. When you let an app access your personal information, you run the risk of having that information used in ways that you might not agree with. Let’s say you install an app. Before installation you will see a menu that tells you what information of yours will be shared with the app. Have you or your niece installed any helper apps for WeChat? Start there and then check all apps installed on both devices. That’s probably the source of this invasion of privacy. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  25. i added a contact but unsure if they added me back. i received an alert they hearted a mutual friends moment, however on looking at the moment, i only see my heart and not this other contacts heart. does this mean, he didn’t add me back as a contact? or does it mean he ended up un-hearting the moment?

    1. That’s a tough one. Maybe he has hidden his Moments from you. That might hide all of his activity there. How did you receive an alert? Did someone tell you or did WeChat tell you? We don’t get notices when someone likes something on WeChat’s Moments so we’re not sure how you managed that unless the other account is yours also. Good luck. It sounds quite complicated, to be honest.

      1. I can see his moments unless they are the 10 public.
        I got an alert from wechat that he hearted mutual friends pics.

        1. We don’t have any mutual friends on your list apparently. Try to see more than ten of his Moments. WeChat will tell you, you don’t have to guess. If WeChat says ‘you can only see ten of this person’s moments’ then he is not a friend. Hope this helps and good luck.

      2. One other detail to include. When someone in your contact hearts or comments on mutual friends photos, there is a red circle and when you click on it, it tells u “so and so has hearted”

  26. hey I still can see him in my list, but whenever I tried to send a message, wechat tells me that person ask for a verification. what is this mean? And with this situation, will he still see my moment?

    1. If you can still see him, he has not blocked you so you can simply try to add him as a contact again. Send the verification or a friend request and see what happens. Good luck!

        1. He can see any of your public Moments, up to 10, unless you turn that feature off. Do that in Settings then Privacy then Public Moments. Good luck.

    1. If someone blocks you, you cannot see their Moments at all. Obviously you can’t comment on her Moments either, right? Your comments would be removed from anything you have commented on in the past, before she blocked you. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  27. Hey I can see my friend in my contacts but can’t message her.and can’t see her moments too is that mean I got blocked? Or if I got blocked can ibadd her in any Wechat group?

    1. If she has blocked you, she doesn’t exist anymore, at least on your WeChat. She may have unfriended you and set her privacy message settings to ‘only friends’. Just because you can’t see her Moments doesn’t mean you are blocked. It could mean that she has hidden her Moments from you. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  28. Hi, so this person and I have mutual friends on Wechat. Therefore I could see when that person commented or liked posts of our mutual friends. But now when I clicked back to our mutual friends’ posts (which I’m sure that person liked), I couldn’t see the likes or comments anymore from that person. Does it mean that that person deleted me? I can still see his contact and moments. Also, I can see the likes of that person on my own previous posts.

    1. There are a few possibilities. Maybe he didn’t comment. Maybe he commented in a message, not in Moments. If you can still see his contact info and Moments, he hasn’t deleted you. Perhaps he knew you were watching for his comment and decided to send a message to the person instead. Good luck with this and thanks for commenting.

      1. so if I can still see him on my contact list, it’s 100% certain that he hasn’t deleted me on his we chat account? The weird thing is when I looked back at the posts of our mutual friends that I am so sure that he liked, i couldn’t see the likes anymore. So I thought that he must have deleted me.

    1. No, not blocked but that person seems to have deleted you from their contact list. If they aren’t on your regular contact list but you can see them in recommended friends then they have deleted you. If you were blocked, they would not exist on WeChat. Good luck with this and thanks for commenting.

  29. Is deleting a chat room is the same as clearing the chat history? Will I be able to delete all photos that I had sent in that chat room so that person can’t see those photos anymore if I only deleted the chat room from my wechat instead of clear the chat history? Thank you.

    1. Once you send a photo, it’s on the other person’s phone. You’ll never know if they saved it to their photo gallery or simply kept it in their chat record. You have no control over that. If you delete your chat history, that’s just on your phone. You can’t reach out and delete photos or chats on another person’s phone. We’re not sure what you mean about a chat room. We’ve never used one. If you delete your whole WeChat chat history, it’s gone for good. Good luck and thanks again for commenting.

  30. Can I know if my friend has deleted me from their friend list but all the photos in our chat room are still available to be view and download. How can I know if I am not in their list?

    1. If you can see them on your list, more than likely you are on their list. You can try to send them a message. If the response from WeChat says that you need to add them as a friend first, that will tell you the true situation. They haven’t blocked you, that’s for sure, because you can still see the photos and chats. Good luck! Thanks for commenting.

      1. Thank you. Does that also indicate that he/she has not delete our chat if I can still browse the photos in the chat?

        1. The chat is on your phone. They have no control over what’s on it. The photos that you send and the ones that are sent to you are there until one or the other person deletes the chat history. If you have sent a photo in a chat, you’ll find that there is no way to delete it from the other person’s phone. It’s the same as if you have received a photo. There is no ‘delete’ option on their side. We hope this helps. Thanks again for commenting.

    1. The answer to your problem is a bit confusing and we can only manage it when we are in a group chat. Sorry. Try going to Contacts then to Group Chats. Click on the one you want to leave and look for three dots at the top. There should be a choice there for ‘Leave this group’ or ‘Delete this group’, something like that. If we can add more info, we will contact you again. Thanks for commenting.

  31. Hey guys, what if you could see someone’s moments, but now all of a sudden you can’t? But your messages still go through and the contact is on your list? Did they just “hide” moments from you? Or have you been blocked?


    1. They have hidden their Moments from you. They haven’t blocked you. Good luck with this. Thanks for commenting.

    1. If you can see them but they can’t see you, then you have blocked them. Maybe you have your GPS location turned off. Check through your settings and check. Thanks for commenting.

  32. Hi there Maybe i know is that i have been blocked if i can see someone at People Nearby but thr dont see me ?
    how to unblock it ???

    1. As far as we know, you can’t. There is a ‘delete’ choice when you are looking at your block list but that seems to only delete the chats, not the person. We can’t see a need for deleting the block list contacts anyway, maybe WeChat can’t either. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  33. Please tell what does that mean when my friend voice msg me and a red exclamation mark showed at the end, and I can’t listen to the msg, thx

    1. We’re not sure. Perhaps the message was too long or there was not enough storage room on your phone, something like that. We’ve never seen that before so we really can’t help much. Sorry. Thanks for commenting.

    1. You’re not blocked if your message goes through. When you are blocked, the other person doesn’t exist at all on your WeChat. If you can still see them on your list, you’re not blocked. Seems that they are just ignoring you or they have lost their phone, have an illness, something like that. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

  34. how can you fine out when the contract was blocked and is there possible to block the contract date wise?

    1. If you can’t see anything about the contact, you’ve been blocked. Who did the blocking? You or the contact? Date wise? We don’t know what you mean, sorry. Thanks for commenting.

  35. Is there a way I can make one of my WeChat contacts invisible to others if someone wants to borrow my phone? Also, is there way I can change on of my contacts profile picture on my phone so his/her profile shows as the picture that I want to use on my phone instead of his/her original profile picture….this is similar to giving an Alias to a contact but can I change the picture of the contact also?

    1. The only way to do what you want is to sign out of WeChat, and all other social networking sites, before you lend your phone to someone. No, you can’t change the contact’s profile photo. Good luck! Thanks for commenting.

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