Tag Archives: hide game updates

Hide Your Game Updates on Facebook

If you’re worried about spamming your friends with game updates on Facebok, here’s how to hide them:

1. You can do this in at least two places. The easiest way to hide ALL of your game updates is to head to your Timeline first. Click on your name, top right side of any Facebook page. Once your Timeline opens, look for the words Activity Log.

Photo of Hide 1
From your Timeline, click on the words Activity Log.


2. When your Activity Log opens, all of your activities are shown.

Photo of Hide 2
All of your activities are shown here.


3. While you could scroll down and edit each post, we’re here to hide only your game updates. On the left of your screen, look for the list of activities. Normally, Games will be hidden so look for the word ‘More’ and click it:

Photo of Hide 3
Look for the word More and click it.


4. Once the menu spreads down, look for the word Games. Click on it.

Photo of Hide 4
Click on Games. All updates from all games that you play will show up on the right.


5. On the right side, click on the icon that is second from the right. If could be an icon of a globe, two heads in silhouette or maybe a padlock. Here are your choices:

Photo of Hide 5
Choose who sees each game’s updates. In this case, only the Facebook user can see this game’s updates.


6. Once you have set each game’s updates to Only Me, and that is the setting that we recommend,   the icon on the far right will be greyed out. Why? Because ALL updates will now be hidden. Do your friends a favor by making sure that each game you play will not spam their newsfeed.


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Stop Game Updates on Facebook

Admit it. Some of your friends are pests, right? They play too many games on Facebook and you get all of their annoying game updates. Your Facebook page is spammed with these continuous and obnoxious bits of junk. Here’s how to block these updates before they reach your Facebook page.

1. Here’s an example of the kind of update we’re talking about:

Photo of Facebook update
An update from The Ville.


2. Up on the top right of this person’s game post, look for the little down arrow icon when you hover your cursor (mouse) over that spot. Here’s what we mean:

Photo of hidden menu
Hover then click the word Hide…


3. The word ‘Hide’ has three periods after it. This means that there are some choices available after you click Hide. You are hiding this single game update but Facebook allows you to hide more than that. Here are the choices:

Photo of other selections.
OK, the story is hidden but do you want to hide everything from The Ville (yes, if you don’t play it).


4. The single post is hidden now and all of the updates from The Ville are hidden too, as long as you click Hide all stories from The Ville. But what if that one friend plays a dozen or more games? Let’s hide every game update from this person. Click on ‘Change what updates you get from…’ :

Photo of menu to hide different updates from a Facebook friend.
Deselect Games and anything else that might spam your news feed.


TIP: We were having a problem with one particular Facebook game, Slotomania. No matter what we did, we kept getting updates on ‘So and so ‘likes’ a post made by someone else about Slotomania. Even though we hid all updates from that one game, we kept getting what looked like updates. Only when we deselected ‘Comments and likes’ did we actually stop those annoying posts. Unfortunately we don’t get any of that person’s likes, either.

Hopefully this post will help you clean up your newsfeed. Questions or comments are welcome.

Thanks for reading!