Tag Archives: FTP

How to Create Your Dot Com Dream – Part 3

So far we’ve got your domain name and an account with a hosting company. The domain is yours for as long as you keep up the payments on it, about ten to twenty bucks a year. Hosting can cost about eighty dollars or less, based on the shared hosting example we told you about last time. Initial cost for hosting, at least for the first year,  is sometimes as low as fifteen dollars. Didn’t we tell you that creating your own website would be cheap?

Today we’re going to fill you in on what happens next. From this point on it’s going to get a bit more complicated. This isn’t anything an average computer user would find difficult, believe us. The problem is that the process isn’t quite like anything else you would do on a daily basis. Although it makes sense when you examine the details, let’s just say that it’s not intuitive.

I’ve got a hosting account. Now what? 

When you set up your hosting account, you made up a username and a password. Once you are ready to go farther, you have to upload at least one file to the space that you’re renting from your host. That space is simply a folder on a hard drive on a server (computer), it’s easier if you think of it this way. Uploading a file is nothing different than putting a photo or photo album on Facebook, although it’s not as simple. When you put up a pic on Facebook, the photo data is sent from your computer to Facebook’s servers. Once you do this, that photo is in two places, right? It’s still on your computer and it’s also on the Facebook computer. For this reason, you should have a folder on your desktop that is a mirror image of your folder on the hosting computer.

Create a new folder and name it suzylovesflowers. When you create something that you want to put up on your site, make sure that it’s in this folder. Now, let’s get a file up to your hosting account.

FTP? What the heck is that? 

Moving files from your computer to your host folder is accomplished using a File Transfer Protocol client. All that means is that you download a bit of software, install it, give it some details of your account (username and password)  then tell it what files to upload.

We use FileZilla for FTP. It’s free, fast and relatively simple to use. Here’s a link to it: FileZilla The free FTP solution   We’ve written about FileZilla before. Check out our post here:

FileZilla FTP – how to use it

Photo of FileZilla
FileZilla is the best FTP software out there, that’s why we use it.

This software remembers where your files are as well as  your login details, from one session to another. That’s why putting a folder on your desktop is important. Later on, we’ll discuss other ways to sort all of this out.

Putting up a placeholder. 

If you’re all excited about your new domain name and want to tell your friends about it, it’s probably better to have something up on your site to greet them there. No, you don’t have a full site yet but you should have at least a bit of information there, something that says ‘come back later when we’ve got something here’. That ‘something’ is called a placeholder. It’s pretty simple really, just a small .html file that you can create in Notepad and FTP up to your account. Here’s where we describe how to do it:

Basic HTML Placeholder

Once you get more material on your site, the placeholder is changed and visitors will be able to see the real site. This placeholder is a bit like hanging a sign that reads “Out for lunch” or “Gone fishing”, basically that you’re not there now but you will be soon.

Where does the placeholder go? 

On your desktop, you’ve got a folder named suzy. You need a matching folder on your host server. If you have one domain name, you need a folder on the server that feeds data to anyone who access that domain. If you have more than one domain name, you need a folder on the server for each one. For now, you would head to your host account and be totally confused by this menu (we’re joking, it’s not that complicated):

Photo of C Panel Menu
Lots of icons but you’ll only ever use a few of them.













The photo above is the CPanel menu. This is what you see after you log in to your hosting account. Why are we showing you this? Because there are actually two ways to get files from your computer to your site. FTP is the quickest and easiest but, right at the start anyway, you can use the File Manager that is part of the software on your server’s computer. What you want to do it to create a folder that will hold everything related to your site. That folder is technically called a ‘directory’ and any other folders inside it are really called ‘sub-directories’ but ‘folder’ is what you’re used to calling them in Windows.

If you’re confused about CPanel, think of it as the software that controls your website, just as Windows controls your computer. It takes all of the inner workings, the things that go on behind the scenes, and arranges them into a GUI, something that is essentially point and click. Every version of CPanel has videos that show you exactly what to do so don’t run away screaming, “This is too complicated!” It’s not. Watch the videos and you’ll see what we mean. For now, search through the videos to find the one that tells you how to create a new directory.

Tip: What if your host doesn’t use CPanel? There are other control panels that you might encounter, depending on which host you choose. No worries folks, they are all essentially the same. All have icons that you click on to bring up menus which allow you to interact with the server. All have videos to help you through every step of the process.

How do I get my domain name and my hosting account linked up? 

Good question! That’s why we asked it. If you have your domain with one company and your hosting with another, as we suggested at the start, you have to point the domain to that folder you created on the hosting server. Remember the directory we made? You have to give your domain company the route or map to that folder. It’s easy, don’t worry. We described it in another post so check that out :

Nameservers – How to set them

Once that’s done, typing  suzylovesflowers.com into your browser will magically bring up your placeholder file. You have to wait a bit after you’ve set the nameservers but in a relatively short period of time, your site will be up and running. Sure, there won’t be much on it but it’s there and it’s yours. Pat yourself on the back! Believe us when we say that there is a huge surge of satisfaction that runs through you when that placeholder page appears. You’ll get an even better feeling when people start to read the words that you write. It never gets old, that’s for sure.

Questions, suggestions, comments on anything we’ve written about are most welcome. Fill in the form below or, better yet, ask us on our Facebook page. Here is the link:
Computers Made Simple on Facebook 

Thanks for reading!




Installing WordPress – October 28, 2011

Now we’re finally ready to  install WordPress. We’ve got our domain name and hosting here. We set our nameservers here. Over here, we created a database and named it. OK, looks like we’re set.

1. Download WordPress.

2. Unzip it then copy and paste the WordPress folder on to your desktop. (Put it anywhere you want but putting it on the desktop is easier for beginners.)

3. Listen carefully to this part. First you have the zip file to unzip. Inside that is a WordPress 3.x folder (depending on which version is out now). Inside that folder is a WordPress folder (just that, no number). Inside that folder are ALL the files you need to upload to the folder in your hosting account. Don’t upload the WordPress folder, just the folders and files inside the WordPress folder. Get it? Those files look like this:

Inside the WordPress Folder.
From WP-Admin to xmlrpc.php, these are the files you need.

4. Open your FTP program (I recommend FileZilla). On the left side of the window, navigate to your Desktop then to the folder that contains the WordPress files as shown above. Connect to your host using your username and password, then navigate to the folder where you want to put your files. This is the folder that is inside your root directory, right? It should be the only folder in your root directory. It should also be empty, except for the placeholder file (index.html) that we created here.

5. In the WordPress folder on the left, click on WP-Admin (the folder at the top), scroll down to the bottom , hold down the shift key and click on xmlrpc.php and click it. All of the files and folders in that WordPress folder will now be highlighted. Right click in the blue area and choose Upload.  Depending on your FTP and upload speed, this last step might take a bit of time, maybe 5 minutes or less.

6. Wait until FileZilla finishes (no more queued files). You should now have a full selection of files on the right hand side from WP-Admin to xmlrpc.php. The next step can be done in FileZilla but I prefer to do it in the File Manager on my hosting site. Do what you feel better with here.

7. You are about to edit one file. If you make a mistake, it’s not a big deal so don’t get your knickers in a knot. All that will happen is that WordPress won’t be able to install itself…yet. Even if you really screw things up, you can always delete everything inside your host folder and start over again. Relax, OK?

You are looking for the wp-config-sample.php file. This file is the one that tells WordPress what database you are using, what the password is and who the user is for that database. Remember when we did all of that here?

8. Find the wp-config-sample.php file and click on it once. On the right side of the window you will see three icons. The one you want is the ‘edit’ icon. Click it and a small window will open up or you will be taken to another page, depending on which hosting interface your host uses. Once you see inside that file, it’s full of simple text that looks really complicated, look for this section:


// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'username_here');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here');


9. Enter the database name, username and password of the MySQL database that we made earlier. Leave the apostrophes in, just type in the database name, user and password like this:


// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'sitedatabase1');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'joeschmoo');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'goodpassword');

10. In another browser window, paste this url (taken from the wp_config-sample.php file) : https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/

You will see a simple page that has information like this on it:


define('AUTH_KEY',         'G;^s;iqRh${ovHzc&n9s31-i2*U DkHI9u]#jWt&nPByL`e)cw7Zz9TJ|.c7Hu1f');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'a|Bx@bXxFL@)1$0t]MyEvg1nt=aagDu%E9S9V>WZ<:as#)2pbY@Dv6xJv.`A>GM&');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'jFHyxThnTAu_Nxk(iHDj,|VwOQ@$V^Je: bO&c$&-IX)IGp[#Jr&F$rv9X98[dqs');
define('NONCE_KEY',        'n1P/X(*Y|ta#f1lde(gj!}L{r1{^Mu--v`fJ32)a-N1.S _4j*WBy/4!w+SvrNS-');
define('AUTH_SALT',        ')TgQ&Uj0QH?AP*+UCu]>{3{w5*(+-tL|U&]*)MhEP@YG|/dqFMVDK=-a!22&zWg+');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'R]m:Fm*gO%Vmi^HL+_GQmd-h_,~u k,=%j^5q]b8m3[|?N[ksmfm=s%=oM]1gb1.');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'F.}Du-=]$|GBm|5tNH|haDASOu`=-Cv<RS2hKV].cNS+ex=-dX zlN6}ql)$sNz:');
define('NONCE_SALT',       '!?i5/5mjG;Fz%WxLNQEg~~+5nJiMY0yAo~T6Om%<_$&ae:{f(~Y2a}G8vQ/*&>x|');

11. Copy that information (from the word define until the last semi-colon, exactly as is shown above). Don’t use the data shown here, get your own for security’s sake.

12. In the wp-config-sample.php file, find the EXACT section the corresponds to the information on the webpage you just opened. Highlight everything from the word define down to the last semi-colon. Once that is highlighted, either right click and choose ‘paste’ or hit control and v at the same time. Either way, the info from the webpage is pasted into the file you are editing.

13. This is important, read this carefully. Just below the section we just worked on, you’ll see the section for the ‘WordPress Database Table prefix’. Locate it and find the section that reads:


$table_prefix  = ‘wp_’;


14. Change the part between the apostrophes to some combination of numbers, letters and underscores. It will look something like this after you’re done:


$table_prefix  = ‘new_site143uty‘;


This is an important step which adds to the security of your WordPress installation. You don’t need this information but you can write it down anyway. WordPress uses it, not you.

15. Last step, usually only needed if the current settings don’t work. Farther up from where we are, you will see a section (under the section where you put the database password) that reads:


/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');


Most of the time, ‘localhost’ works just fine. If it doesn’t or if you just want to be sure, you’ll have to enter the path to the MySQL database that you are using. Save the file you are editing. Head back to the control panel and go into the MySQL databases again. Click on the database that you created and somewhere there will be a ‘generate code’ button. What you are looking for is ‘your server name’. This will be something that looks like a domain name: accountname.hostmysql.com Copy this and head back to the WP-config-sample.php file, open it for editing and highlight the word localhost then paste the new .com line into that space. It will look like this:


/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'accountname.hostmysql.com');


At this point, save the file and stretch a bit, grab a coffee or something and smile because you’re almost done. The hard part is over. It’s all fun from now on.

16. In your host’s File Manager, look up at the top of the right hand side till you find the Wp-Admin folder. Open it and look for the install.php file. Click on it then choose ‘preview’ on the right. A webpage will open up. If you’ve done everything correctly, you can install WordPress from this page. Click OK and create a username (don’t use admin, choose something different) , take the standard password that WordPress creates for you, enter your email (make sure it’s correct since there is no way to recover your password if you put in the wrong email here) then click OK.

17. Here, I do two things. I take a screen capture of the page to ensure that I have the password and username correct, then I copy and paste the password into a text file for safekeeping. OK, I write it out in a book, too.

18. Once you’ve done all of this, log in to WordPress and start creating.

These are the steps as I do them for each installation of WordPress that I’ve done. In case you are wondering, I’ve done this about twenty-four times. I hope this sounds simple and that it’s all clear to you. Most of the information here is explained in the WordPress installation area but some of it is from trial and error. One of my hosts was fine with ‘localhost’ for the database host but my current host wasn’t. I hope it works for you.

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter: @_BrianMahoney

MySQL and WordPress

WordPress requires a relational database. Before you get WordPress up and running, you have to set up a MySQL database on your hosting account. Sure, this sounds complicated but it’s not. If you can make a new folder in Windows, you can create a database for WordPress. Here’s how it’s done. Pictures following are from a cPanel demo site. Yours may differ somewhat.

1. Head over to your hosting account, log in and take a close look at your dashboard or control panel. What you are looking for is ‘MySQL Database(s)’:

MySql Database Icon
This is what you are looking for.

2. Click on the MySql Database Icon. This is what you should see:

MySQL settings to add new database
Add a new database here, create a password and add a user.

3. Use this menu to create a database, create a password and add a user. You need these three pieces of information BEFORE you get WordPress up and running. When you are installing WordPress you add this information to it’s config file once. WordPress uses this database from then on. I would use the password generator but you can make up any name for the database and any user. You can name them both the same, if you want.

TIP: If your host has limited your account to only a few databases, mine has not, you can still run multiple installations of WordPress from the same database. I will show you how to do that later. I have 12 sites on the same account but I only have about 5 databases.

4. This is what the MySql menu looks like on my hosting account. Yours may be the same. :

Deck 4 MySQL Menu
Same concept, different look. The button on the top left is the one you want to create a new database.

This is the only preliminary work you have to do before installing WordPress. You’ve already created the folder in your root directory, right? We did that in this POST. Once you have done these two steps, it’s OK to download WordPress, unzip it and wait for my next post.

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter: @_BrianMahoney 

WordPress Explained

Before I describe the steps to install WordPress, I thought I would take a few minutes to explain what it’s all about. Here we go.

In the early days of the Internet, HTML was king. Every website was based in this text-based language which used tags to hide the inner workings of a web page. Adding < > with some text inside, <html> for example, turned a normal text file into a file that could be viewed in a browser, without the <html> being shown. This was fine for a while but as pages became more complicated and websites became larger, HTML moved out of the range of the average person. Thankfully, WordPress came along in 2003 to save the day.

Any HTML site had to be updated, changed and designed in an editor. Sweeping changes could take days or weeks. WordPress solved this problem. Using a browser, anyone could update, change or design their site without knowing anything about HTML. Sure, it’s handy to know a bit of HTML but that isn’t 100% necessary. WordPress can handle a simple blog or a massively complicated website all on its own, thank you very much!

This blog post is being written in Google Chrome from my SOHO office. Tomorrow, I could write another post from my tiny netbook while I sip a cuppa in a coffee shop. Theoretically, I could update this blog from the other side of the world while sitting in an Internet cafe. I don’t need anything other than a password and a browser to log-in to WordPress and update this blog. There are some news sites around the world that use WordPress for their correspondents who update their input from all corners of the world. Here is a list of spectacular and well-known WordPress sites: WordPress-Showcase.

WordPress can have a simple, clean layout or it can be tuned to do pretty much anything you can think of. In order to use it, all you have to do is be able to use a password and a keyboard. In order to use it well, you have to search, read and experiment before you can create something better than the standard WordPress site. The beauty of WordPress is that it can be pretty much what you want it to be, it’s all up to you and how deeply you want to get into it.

All of the changes you make in WordPress are made inside your browser of choice. I use Chrome but you could use Safari or Firefox, whatever you want. The interface is really no different from the Word interface, with all of the controls across the top and links on either side to adjust other settings. Sure, initially this all looks very confusing but, trust me, after a while it feels like home. Images are uploaded right from the browser, not FTP. (Not that FTP is difficult but it’s an impediment to creativity sometimes, another step before you get to where you want to be.)

WordPress can be changed with dozens and dozens of themes , many of them free, which tinker with the look and feel of your final output. Plugins add other types of functionality, making WordPress do different things behind the scenes. None of this is rocket science. Some parts are confusing, certainly, but if you get stumped on something, there is always Google and a wealth of information available from other WordPress users.

One of the caveats to WordPress that I should explain is its slowness. Many people say that WordPress slows down your site. It does, but there are ways around that. I will discuss these in future posts but don’t consider this an impediment. Use my previous posts to set up your website and come back tomorrow to find out how to install it. Right now, check out the WordPress Showcase above, look for some free themes and decide what style and color combination that you prefer.

Thanks for reading! If you need info or want to comment, just ask and write below this. Follow me on Twitter: @_BrianMahoney

Basic HTML Placeholder

An HTML placeholder is a small file that shows up when someone goes to your new domain name before you have a full-fledged website set up. Consider it a virtual ‘coat on the back of a chair’ at a party. You’re going to sit in the chair, just not yet. The placeholder lets everyone know that your site exists, it works but there isn’t anything there yet. It’s live in other words, just not fully filled out.

Putting up a placeholder is very easy. Here’s how you do it:

1. Open Notepad. Don’t use Word or Wordpad or anything else except a text editor. Notepad is free, comes with Windows and is in your Accessory folder.

2. Copy this text and paste it into Notepad :

<html><head><title>Welcome to suchandsuch.com</title></head><body><h1>Welcome!</h1>

This site is under construction. We'll be up and running as soon as possible. Bookmark this url and come back later. See ya!


3. Type in your domain name where I have ‘suchandsuch.com’ then save the file as an .html file NOT as a .txt. file. (Click on the tiny arrow to the right of .txt and choose ‘all files’.

4. If you accidentally save it as a text file, just rename it as an .html file, ending up with index.html on your desktop.

5. Double click this file to see what it looks like. It’s about as simple as it can be but it gets the message across. You can align the text in the centre, use colors or whatever you want but this is about the simplest .html file you can make.

6. Using FTP or your host’s File Manager, upload that file to the sub-directory that you created in my last post.

7. The index.html file should be the only file there. Once it’s up, open another browser window and type in your domain name and hit enter. There it is! Your placeholder. If you don’t see it, then the file is named incorrectly. Make sure that it is  index.html   (all in small letters, no caps and with the period before html, no spaces).

Once this page is up, you can relax for a while and figure out how to install WordPress. If you want to stick to html, fine but you’re on your own there. I have moved all of my sites to WordPress just because it’s so damn simple to update.

I’ve explained the WordPress installation in previous posts. Here is a link to the first one: WordPress Installation .

Over the next few posts I will revisit the WordPress installation for you but read the old ones for now. Good luck!

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter: @_BrianMahoney